Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Do You Make A Limberjack


heard this morning .... car ... here it is ....... stacked ...:)))))))))
And here
old friends
embraces more long
music and books ...
open presents
travel far
that make you dream
the movie you are
etched in my heart.
The looks and the first moment of a kiss
shooting stars the scent of wind
life remains the most beautiful thing I
A handshake
your child laughing
rain in August
and the sound of the sea
a glass of wine
with your father
help someone feel better
and then make love under the moon
look and do it faster than before
life remains the most beautiful thing I
and quiiiiii
there is nothing more natural
that stopping a moment to think
that small things are more real than
and remain inside you
and make you feel warm
and that is the only reason
to look forward
and understand that after
say what you are
ooooh oooh oooh ooooh
is nice to dream of a better life is just
groped to do it seriously
not to consume even a second
and feel that I am part of the world
with this song and I say what I always know ...
that life is still the best thing that hooooo
And quiiiii
there is nothing more 'natural
than stopping a moment to think that
those little things are more real
and live it and you fill them
every day you will realize
you're alive and despite the time
those things you have inside
to you by your side and not leave her.
ooo-ooo-hooo hooo
not leave her '
oooohooo oohoooo
say who you are


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