Online work is a reality that today is increasingly inflated by visions of easy money. In fact, the Telework is a method of remote working (from home or wherever you have a connection) that are used for technological infrastructure and information technology, taking place outside the physical boundaries and organization of work (office, company etc.)..
Normally speaking of telework, refers to the Internet and networking and that is essentially a work sitting at home, but so that we can talk about telecommuting real need in terms of law that there is a place different from the usual local company.
Many believe that telework is a form of work del'imminente future, even if still employ more people online in Italy, but in general in Europe, is relatively low.
Let's see some regulatory aspect.
Through the inter-confederal agreement of July 16, 2002 was implemented in our country, the EU framework agreement on telework. This is obviously an agreement with a reference framework in terms of a contract, then leaving the field to national collective agreements for the introduction of more detailed rules and its regulation.
The basic principle is the voluntary nature: telecommuting is a way of performance of work that can be taken only after a voluntary agreement between the parties. Therefore it can not be unilateral.
Since the agreement to the employee, there are no substantial differences in terms of commitment, including work in business / office and the remote.
interconfederal The agreement sets the framework in more dependent on the employer the cost of supply, installation, maintenance and repair of all computer and electronic tools necessary to perform the work itself.
So the teleworker is free to independently manage his time working on the understanding that the workload should be allocated equally to gentlemen who are employed on the premises usual work.
addition to the work depend on, and this mode telework as it were autonomous, that is to get an income of money from their online activity.
In this regard, however, the Web teems with fantasies and false profits. The surefire way to realize when you are faced with a buffalo is as simple as giving an assessment of the work / reward. Every time you gain so much in a short time, we are dealing with a scam or a waste of time. Nobody gives anything!
Autoname methods to work in order to create a monthly income that is decent, have been verified by many web users and are as follows: google adsense through the construction of landing pages and affiliate Bruno the publisher.
Discarding the first method for the actual complexity that requires the comptenza and computer technology, we have to work hard for the publisher Bruno.
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